Around the world | Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv Tours, Shop, Exhibitions, Information Tue, 07 Jan 2025 21:12:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 the world | Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv 32 32 Coming Soon | COLOR LINE ZERO | KOBIAYASHI Tue, 07 Jan 2025 21:12:07 +0000

COLOR LINE ZERO By KOBIAYASHIThe exhibition "Color Line Zero" opens a door to a world of colors, lines, and shapes that seem to come alive. In his works, artist Kobiayashi blends bold colors and sharp lines to create pieces that tell powerful visual stories.The artworks in the exhibition take the viewer on an emotional journey – one moment they radiate explosive energy, and the next, intriguing calmness. Each painting connects with everyday experiences in an abstract yet accessible way, allowing everyone to find their own personal meaning within. The works are approachable, visually captivating, and spark curiosity. The defined lines paired with vibrant colors create a sense of order alongside freedom, balance alongside drama."Color Line Zero" speaks to everyone – those who love to dive deep and reflect, as well as those who simply wish to enjoy the beauty of color and form. Each piece is a small world, a moment of imagination, and an invitation to see something new and refreshing.Come disconnect from the everyday, dive into a colorful and inspiring world, and discover the creativity born in the very first line.Kobiayashi is an Israeli international artist specializing in unique, handcrafted art. His works blend innovation with tradition, presenting a powerful combination of colors, shapes, and visual narratives. Gaining global recognition, the demand for his creations continues to grow, as inventing and redefining art in today’s saturated world is a rare achievement. Kobiayashi discovers and delivers a fresh artistic perspective that breaks boundaries and captivates collectors and art enthusiasts worldwide.the exhibition will be held in Bauhaus Center Gallery, Dizengoff 77 Tel Aviv 15/1/2025 - 15/2/2025]]>

COLOR LINE ZERO By KOBIAYASHIThe exhibition "Color Line Zero" opens a door to a world of colors, lines, and shapes that seem to come alive. In his works, artist Kobiayashi blends bold colors and sharp lines to create pieces that tell powerful visual stories.The artworks in the exhibition take the viewer on an emotional journey – one moment they radiate explosive energy, and the next, intriguing calmness. Each painting connects with everyday experiences in an abstract yet accessible way, allowing everyone to find their own personal meaning within. The works are approachable, visually captivating, and spark curiosity. The defined lines paired with vibrant colors create a sense of order alongside freedom, balance alongside drama."Color Line Zero" speaks to everyone – those who love to dive deep and reflect, as well as those who simply wish to enjoy the beauty of color and form. Each piece is a small world, a moment of imagination, and an invitation to see something new and refreshing.Come disconnect from the everyday, dive into a colorful and inspiring world, and discover the creativity born in the very first line.Kobiayashi is an Israeli international artist specializing in unique, handcrafted art. His works blend innovation with tradition, presenting a powerful combination of colors, shapes, and visual narratives. Gaining global recognition, the demand for his creations continues to grow, as inventing and redefining art in today’s saturated world is a rare achievement. Kobiayashi discovers and delivers a fresh artistic perspective that breaks boundaries and captivates collectors and art enthusiasts worldwide.the exhibition will be held in Bauhaus Center Gallery, Dizengoff 77 Tel Aviv 15/1/2025 - 15/2/2025]]>
The World of Jan Vermeer – Lecture by Roman Grigoryev (Russian) Tue, 16 Jan 2024 09:46:17 +0000

The World of Jan Vermeer - Lecture by Roman Grigoryev (Russian)
On January 28th the Bauhaus Center will host a new lecture by Roman Grigoryev this time he will delve into the world of Jan Vermeer!Roman Grigoriev is an art scientist, custodian of Dutch engraving in the Hermitage (1992-2022) and a professor at the European University in St. Petersburg (2000 to 2023).Let's talk about an artist, loved and appreciated by contemporaries - residents of Delft and the Netherlands, but who never achieved popularity compared to the Flemish Rubens or his countryman Rembrandt.Let's learn about the oddities of the biography of a man who spent his whole century in his hometown, who did not go to Italy like 99% of his colleagues, died in poverty and left a widow with a lot of debts and several paintings. Let's talk about the fates of the canvases themselves, let's try to understand for whom they were created as an artist, and how they were perceived, in other words - "read".Who is the girl with the pearl earring? Is it true Vermeer's maid, as the creators of the movie with Scarlett Johansson are trying to convince us, or is it not a portrait of a real person at all? And in general, is this a pearl earring? Who else wore such earrings, and what happened to the painting 350 years after its creation. We will talk about issues of Faith in the Republic of the United States and related paintings by Vermeer.When: January 28, 2023 18:00Where: 77 Dizegof Tel AvivThe price is 80 NISLanguage : RussianTo register for the lecture, write to:

The World of Jan Vermeer - Lecture by Roman Grigoryev (Russian)
On January 28th the Bauhaus Center will host a new lecture by Roman Grigoryev this time he will delve into the world of Jan Vermeer!Roman Grigoriev is an art scientist, custodian of Dutch engraving in the Hermitage (1992-2022) and a professor at the European University in St. Petersburg (2000 to 2023).Let's talk about an artist, loved and appreciated by contemporaries - residents of Delft and the Netherlands, but who never achieved popularity compared to the Flemish Rubens or his countryman Rembrandt.Let's learn about the oddities of the biography of a man who spent his whole century in his hometown, who did not go to Italy like 99% of his colleagues, died in poverty and left a widow with a lot of debts and several paintings. Let's talk about the fates of the canvases themselves, let's try to understand for whom they were created as an artist, and how they were perceived, in other words - "read".Who is the girl with the pearl earring? Is it true Vermeer's maid, as the creators of the movie with Scarlett Johansson are trying to convince us, or is it not a portrait of a real person at all? And in general, is this a pearl earring? Who else wore such earrings, and what happened to the painting 350 years after its creation. We will talk about issues of Faith in the Republic of the United States and related paintings by Vermeer.When: January 28, 2023 18:00Where: 77 Dizegof Tel AvivThe price is 80 NISLanguage : RussianTo register for the lecture, write to:
“The Jewish aspect in the world of comics and storytelling”. Thu, 03 Aug 2023 08:51:48 +0000

Artist Architect and Art Essayist Evgeny Zhilinsky will give a lecture on the topic:"Paper Cinema from Joe Shuster to Joann Sfar. Jewish Aspect in World Comics Art and Storytelling"."Sequential art" or "ninth muse" discovers and reflects the migrant identity using visual and verbal tools.The most famous and influential genre in Modern Pop culture armed with it's Jewish Background turns "yellow" entertaining reading into demand philosophy._________________________________________________________________________3 августа художник и архитектор Евгений Жилинский прочитает лекцию на тему: «Бумажное кино от Джо Шустера до Жоанна Сфара. Еврейский аспект в мировом искусстве комиксов и сторителлинге». «Последовательное искусство» или «девятая муза» обнаруживает в себе и выражает идентичность мигрантов с помощью визуальных и вербальных средств. Самый известный и влиятельный жанр современной поп-культуры вооруженный своим еврейским происхождением превращает «желтое» развлекательное чтиво в современную востребованную философию.Когда: 3 августа 18:00Где: Дизенгоф 77Стоимость: 80 NISЯзык: русский]]>

Artist Architect and Art Essayist Evgeny Zhilinsky will give a lecture on the topic:"Paper Cinema from Joe Shuster to Joann Sfar. Jewish Aspect in World Comics Art and Storytelling"."Sequential art" or "ninth muse" discovers and reflects the migrant identity using visual and verbal tools.The most famous and influential genre in Modern Pop culture armed with it's Jewish Background turns "yellow" entertaining reading into demand philosophy._________________________________________________________________________3 августа художник и архитектор Евгений Жилинский прочитает лекцию на тему: «Бумажное кино от Джо Шустера до Жоанна Сфара. Еврейский аспект в мировом искусстве комиксов и сторителлинге». «Последовательное искусство» или «девятая муза» обнаруживает в себе и выражает идентичность мигрантов с помощью визуальных и вербальных средств. Самый известный и влиятельный жанр современной поп-культуры вооруженный своим еврейским происхождением превращает «желтое» развлекательное чтиво в современную востребованную философию.Когда: 3 августа 18:00Где: Дизенгоф 77Стоимость: 80 NISЯзык: русский]]>
Konstantin Melnikov: Genius, Fame, Hatred and Oblivion Sun, 23 Jul 2023 13:37:07 +0000

Konstantin Melnikov: Genius Fame Hatred and OblivionJournalist TV presenter and author of programs on television and radio about history and culture Vladimir Raevskiy will give an author's lecture about the outstanding architect of the Russian avant-garde included in all world textbooks Konstantin Melnikov:- How did a peasant boy become the most sophisticated architect of the era?- How to understand his architecture?- What you need to know: what is Lenin's sarcophagus made of?- "Shameless trickery" and "total confusion" - why did they hate Melnikov?- How can an architect survive with a ban on his profession?______________________________________________________________________________________On July 27 at the Bauhaus Center Vladimir Raevsky @vipsauna will give a lecture on Konstantin Melnikov.Владимир Раевский — журналист телеведущий автор программ на телевидении и радио об истории и культуре — прочтёт авторскую лекцию о выдающемся архитекторе русского авангарда вошедшем во все мировые учебники — Константине Мельникове:- Как крестьянский мальчик стал самым утончённым архитектором эпохи?- Как смотреть и понимать его архитектуру?- Что нужно знать: из чего сделан саркофаг Ленина?- «Беззастенчивое трюкачество» и «сплошной сумбур» — за что возненавидели Мельникова?- Как выжить архитектору с запретом на профессию?Когда: 27 июля в 18:00Где: Дизенгоф 77Стоимость: 80 шекелейЯзык: русскийЧтобы зарегистрироваться пишите на почту:]]>

Konstantin Melnikov: Genius Fame Hatred and OblivionJournalist TV presenter and author of programs on television and radio about history and culture Vladimir Raevskiy will give an author's lecture about the outstanding architect of the Russian avant-garde included in all world textbooks Konstantin Melnikov:- How did a peasant boy become the most sophisticated architect of the era?- How to understand his architecture?- What you need to know: what is Lenin's sarcophagus made of?- "Shameless trickery" and "total confusion" - why did they hate Melnikov?- How can an architect survive with a ban on his profession?______________________________________________________________________________________On July 27 at the Bauhaus Center Vladimir Raevsky @vipsauna will give a lecture on Konstantin Melnikov.Владимир Раевский — журналист телеведущий автор программ на телевидении и радио об истории и культуре — прочтёт авторскую лекцию о выдающемся архитекторе русского авангарда вошедшем во все мировые учебники — Константине Мельникове:- Как крестьянский мальчик стал самым утончённым архитектором эпохи?- Как смотреть и понимать его архитектуру?- Что нужно знать: из чего сделан саркофаг Ленина?- «Беззастенчивое трюкачество» и «сплошной сумбур» — за что возненавидели Мельникова?- Как выжить архитектору с запретом на профессию?Когда: 27 июля в 18:00Где: Дизенгоф 77Стоимость: 80 шекелейЯзык: русскийЧтобы зарегистрироваться пишите на почту:]]>
“Erich Mendelsohn: Berlin – Jerusalem” Photography by Carsten Krohn Wed, 15 Mar 2023 09:58:20 +0000

Erich Mendelsohn: Berlin – Jerusalem Photography by Carsten Krohn

At the opening event of the exhibition, there will be a discussion on Erich Mendelsohn's international oeuvre in the context of an aspired inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List (the discussion will be in English).Opening words: Omri Shalom | CEO of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites in Israel.Speakers: Prof. Ita Heinze-Greenberg Carsten Krohn | Photographer and ArchitectThis exhibition continues the 5th annual congress of the Avie and Sarah Arenson Built Heritage Research Center. The conference: "Erich Mendelssohn - Architecture of Dialogue", will be held at the Technion in Haifa on March 22-23, 2023.* The exhibition will be held at Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv Gallery, in cooperation with Goethe-Institut Israel. Friday, 24/03/2023, 13:30 - 15:00 Bauhaus Center, Dizengoff 77, Tel Aviv RSVP at: alleventserich-mendelsohn-berlin-jerusalem  ]]>

Erich Mendelsohn: Berlin – Jerusalem Photography by Carsten Krohn

At the opening event of the exhibition, there will be a discussion on Erich Mendelsohn's international oeuvre in the context of an aspired inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List (the discussion will be in English).Opening words: Omri Shalom | CEO of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites in Israel.Speakers: Prof. Ita Heinze-Greenberg Carsten Krohn | Photographer and ArchitectThis exhibition continues the 5th annual congress of the Avie and Sarah Arenson Built Heritage Research Center. The conference: "Erich Mendelssohn - Architecture of Dialogue", will be held at the Technion in Haifa on March 22-23, 2023.* The exhibition will be held at Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv Gallery, in cooperation with Goethe-Institut Israel. Friday, 24/03/2023, 13:30 - 15:00 Bauhaus Center, Dizengoff 77, Tel Aviv RSVP at: alleventserich-mendelsohn-berlin-jerusalem  ]]>
Bauhaus Tel Aviv around the world: Georgia Tue, 10 May 2022 13:44:43 +0000

Bauhaus Tel Aviv around the world

Following the removal of COVID-19 restrictions, Bauhaus Tel Aviv has seen a rise in international interest, with new exhibitions in Georgia and in India

Tel Aviv in Georgia

To mark thirty years of diplomatic relations between Georgia and Israel, our exhibition Preservation and Renewal: Bauhaus and International Style Buildings in Tel Aviv has been held at various venues in Georgia.

The first opening was on May 10, 2022 at the Hotel Rooms Garden Hall, Tbilisi. This was a collaborative event between Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv; the Israeli Embassy in Georgia; the Tbilisi Center of Architecture, Design and Creative Industries; and Domus Georgia. The exhibition featured two public lectures, held at Georgian Technical University and Hotel Stamba Conference Room, respectively. Local media (newspapers and television) reported on these events.

Ambassador of Israel in Georgia Ran Gidor offering gifts at the opening ceremony of our exhibition, to mark 30 years of diplomatic relations between the countries

Greetings by Ran Gidor, Ambassador of Israel in Georgia At the exhibition opening in Tbilisi

Photos: Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv


Bauhaus Tel Aviv around the world

Following the removal of COVID-19 restrictions, Bauhaus Tel Aviv has seen a rise in international interest, with new exhibitions in Georgia and in India

Tel Aviv in Georgia

To mark thirty years of diplomatic relations between Georgia and Israel, our exhibition Preservation and Renewal: Bauhaus and International Style Buildings in Tel Aviv has been held at various venues in Georgia.

The first opening was on May 10, 2022 at the Hotel Rooms Garden Hall, Tbilisi. This was a collaborative event between Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv; the Israeli Embassy in Georgia; the Tbilisi Center of Architecture, Design and Creative Industries; and Domus Georgia. The exhibition featured two public lectures, held at Georgian Technical University and Hotel Stamba Conference Room, respectively. Local media (newspapers and television) reported on these events.

Ambassador of Israel in Georgia Ran Gidor offering gifts at the opening ceremony of our exhibition, to mark 30 years of diplomatic relations between the countries

Greetings by Ran Gidor, Ambassador of Israel in Georgia At the exhibition opening in Tbilisi

Photos: Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv
