Bauhaus Center | Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv Tours, Shop, Exhibitions, Information Tue, 25 Mar 2025 21:01:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Center | Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv 32 32 New Exhibition Coming Soon | Shimon Edenburg ¨Via Fractalis¨ Wed, 19 Mar 2025 20:56:40 +0000

Shimon Edenburg Born in Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 1944 He is an urban planner, architect, writer, sculptor and urban sociologist.He has lived alternately in Argentina, Israel and Spain. He currently resides in Barcelona. He writes various articles on citizen participation in the urban process, maximization of contacts in the city, limito-arte between 1990 and 2000.He builds the sculpture on the banks of the Guadalquivir river (Córdoba) during the Abrahamic congress in 1987. He exhibits in Malaga and Marbella, at Galería Con-temporánea, in 1992. She receives important prizes at the Bienal de Marbella 92 and a second prize for sculpture at the Bienal de Bacardi 1992.He exhibits at the Crocodile Gallery in Warsaw. Other sculptures of his can also be seen in Warsaw (Poland) and Ramat Hasharon.Photography Exhibition curated by Professor Giuseppe Scaglione architect Opening Night - VERNISSAGE Wed 9th APRIL 2025 at 19.00h 9 APRIL - 9 MAY 2025]]>

Shimon Edenburg Born in Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 1944 He is an urban planner, architect, writer, sculptor and urban sociologist.He has lived alternately in Argentina, Israel and Spain. He currently resides in Barcelona. He writes various articles on citizen participation in the urban process, maximization of contacts in the city, limito-arte between 1990 and 2000.He builds the sculpture on the banks of the Guadalquivir river (Córdoba) during the Abrahamic congress in 1987. He exhibits in Malaga and Marbella, at Galería Con-temporánea, in 1992. She receives important prizes at the Bienal de Marbella 92 and a second prize for sculpture at the Bienal de Bacardi 1992.He exhibits at the Crocodile Gallery in Warsaw. Other sculptures of his can also be seen in Warsaw (Poland) and Ramat Hasharon.Photography Exhibition curated by Professor Giuseppe Scaglione architect Opening Night - VERNISSAGE Wed 9th APRIL 2025 at 19.00h 9 APRIL - 9 MAY 2025]]>
MOISEI GINZBURG | Soviet Architecture and Dwelling Sun, 03 Nov 2024 14:08:02 +0000

MOISEI GINZBURG | Soviet Architecture and Dwelling

Moisei Yakovlevich Ginzburg (Minsk 1892 – Moscow 1944) was one of the most important and versatile modern architects of the twentieth century and the foremost theoretician and practitioner of Russian Constructivism in the 1920s. He earned his architectural and engineering degrees in Milan and Moscow during WWI and worked as an architect in Crimea during the Russian Revolution.This exhibition celebrates 100 years since the publication of "Style and Epoch" and sheds new light on Ginzburg’s prolific career.Opening reception with Curator Bennett Tucker (English)When: 10 November 2024, 18:00 Where: Dizengoff 77 Tel-Aviv***

Моисей Гинзбург | Советская архитектура и жилье Моисей Яковлевич Гинзбург (Минск 1892 Москва 1944) был одним из самых значительных и разносторонних современных архитекторов ХХ века, ведущим теоретиком и практиком русского конструктивизма 1920-х годов. Во время Первой мировой войны он получил архитектурное и инженерное образование в Милане и Москве, а во время Русской революции работал архитектором в Крыму. Эта выставка отмечает 100-летие со дня выхода в свет "Стиля и эпохи" и проливает новый свет на плодотворную карьеру Гинзбурга.

Прием по случаю открытия с куратором Беннетом Такером (Английский)Когда: 10 ноября 2024, 18:00 Где: Дизенгоф 77 Тель-Авив


מויסי גינזבורג | אדריכלות ודיור סובייטים

מויסי יעקובלביץ' גינזבורג (מינסק 1892 - מוסקבה 1944) היה אחד האדריכלים המודרניים החשובים והרבגוניים של המאה ה-20. גינזבורג היה התיאורטיקן והיוצר המוביל של הקונסטרוקטיביזם הרוסי בשנות ה-20. לאחר שזכה בתארים באדריכלות ובהנדסה מאוניברסיטאות מילאנו ומוסקבה במהלך מלחמת העולם הראשונה, הוא עבד כאדריכל בחצי האי קרים בתקופת המהפכה הרוסית.

תערוכה זו חוגגת 100 שנים לפרסום ספרו "סגנון ועידן" ומאירה באור חדש את הקריירה הפורייה של גינזבורג.

קבלת פנים ופתיחה עם האוצר בנט טאקר (אנגלית)

מתי: 10 בנובמבר 2024, 18:00 איפה: דיזנגוף 77 תל אביב


MOISEI GINZBURG | Soviet Architecture and Dwelling

Moisei Yakovlevich Ginzburg (Minsk 1892 – Moscow 1944) was one of the most important and versatile modern architects of the twentieth century and the foremost theoretician and practitioner of Russian Constructivism in the 1920s. He earned his architectural and engineering degrees in Milan and Moscow during WWI and worked as an architect in Crimea during the Russian Revolution.This exhibition celebrates 100 years since the publication of "Style and Epoch" and sheds new light on Ginzburg’s prolific career.Opening reception with Curator Bennett Tucker (English)When: 10 November 2024, 18:00 Where: Dizengoff 77 Tel-Aviv***

Моисей Гинзбург | Советская архитектура и жилье Моисей Яковлевич Гинзбург (Минск 1892 Москва 1944) был одним из самых значительных и разносторонних современных архитекторов ХХ века, ведущим теоретиком и практиком русского конструктивизма 1920-х годов. Во время Первой мировой войны он получил архитектурное и инженерное образование в Милане и Москве, а во время Русской революции работал архитектором в Крыму. Эта выставка отмечает 100-летие со дня выхода в свет "Стиля и эпохи" и проливает новый свет на плодотворную карьеру Гинзбурга.

Прием по случаю открытия с куратором Беннетом Такером (Английский)Когда: 10 ноября 2024, 18:00 Где: Дизенгоф 77 Тель-Авив


מויסי גינזבורג | אדריכלות ודיור סובייטים

מויסי יעקובלביץ' גינזבורג (מינסק 1892 - מוסקבה 1944) היה אחד האדריכלים המודרניים החשובים והרבגוניים של המאה ה-20. גינזבורג היה התיאורטיקן והיוצר המוביל של הקונסטרוקטיביזם הרוסי בשנות ה-20. לאחר שזכה בתארים באדריכלות ובהנדסה מאוניברסיטאות מילאנו ומוסקבה במהלך מלחמת העולם הראשונה, הוא עבד כאדריכל בחצי האי קרים בתקופת המהפכה הרוסית.

תערוכה זו חוגגת 100 שנים לפרסום ספרו "סגנון ועידן" ומאירה באור חדש את הקריירה הפורייה של גינזבורג.

קבלת פנים ופתיחה עם האוצר בנט טאקר (אנגלית)

מתי: 10 בנובמבר 2024, 18:00 איפה: דיזנגוף 77 תל אביב

The World of Jan Vermeer – Lecture by Roman Grigoryev (Russian) Tue, 16 Jan 2024 09:46:17 +0000

The World of Jan Vermeer - Lecture by Roman Grigoryev (Russian)
On January 28th the Bauhaus Center will host a new lecture by Roman Grigoryev this time he will delve into the world of Jan Vermeer!Roman Grigoriev is an art scientist, custodian of Dutch engraving in the Hermitage (1992-2022) and a professor at the European University in St. Petersburg (2000 to 2023).Let's talk about an artist, loved and appreciated by contemporaries - residents of Delft and the Netherlands, but who never achieved popularity compared to the Flemish Rubens or his countryman Rembrandt.Let's learn about the oddities of the biography of a man who spent his whole century in his hometown, who did not go to Italy like 99% of his colleagues, died in poverty and left a widow with a lot of debts and several paintings. Let's talk about the fates of the canvases themselves, let's try to understand for whom they were created as an artist, and how they were perceived, in other words - "read".Who is the girl with the pearl earring? Is it true Vermeer's maid, as the creators of the movie with Scarlett Johansson are trying to convince us, or is it not a portrait of a real person at all? And in general, is this a pearl earring? Who else wore such earrings, and what happened to the painting 350 years after its creation. We will talk about issues of Faith in the Republic of the United States and related paintings by Vermeer.When: January 28, 2023 18:00Where: 77 Dizegof Tel AvivThe price is 80 NISLanguage : RussianTo register for the lecture, write to:

The World of Jan Vermeer - Lecture by Roman Grigoryev (Russian)
On January 28th the Bauhaus Center will host a new lecture by Roman Grigoryev this time he will delve into the world of Jan Vermeer!Roman Grigoriev is an art scientist, custodian of Dutch engraving in the Hermitage (1992-2022) and a professor at the European University in St. Petersburg (2000 to 2023).Let's talk about an artist, loved and appreciated by contemporaries - residents of Delft and the Netherlands, but who never achieved popularity compared to the Flemish Rubens or his countryman Rembrandt.Let's learn about the oddities of the biography of a man who spent his whole century in his hometown, who did not go to Italy like 99% of his colleagues, died in poverty and left a widow with a lot of debts and several paintings. Let's talk about the fates of the canvases themselves, let's try to understand for whom they were created as an artist, and how they were perceived, in other words - "read".Who is the girl with the pearl earring? Is it true Vermeer's maid, as the creators of the movie with Scarlett Johansson are trying to convince us, or is it not a portrait of a real person at all? And in general, is this a pearl earring? Who else wore such earrings, and what happened to the painting 350 years after its creation. We will talk about issues of Faith in the Republic of the United States and related paintings by Vermeer.When: January 28, 2023 18:00Where: 77 Dizegof Tel AvivThe price is 80 NISLanguage : RussianTo register for the lecture, write to:
“Poster Garage Sale” Tue, 19 Dec 2023 16:45:48 +0000

Bauhaus Center is pleased to present a print fair "Poster Garage Sale" Original vintage posters, prints and last copies of posters taken out of the special collection accumulated at the Bauhaus Center during its 23 years :) As well as a selection of all the original invitations from Bauhaus center exhibitions throughout the years!You are welcome to visit and get yourself a one of a kind and special poster. Also, a special offer for these times! All the prints and posters in the store: Second poster at 10% discount! Third Poster 20% off!The exhibition will be shown until further notice for now.
Free entry, See you there!

Bauhaus Center is pleased to present a print fair "Poster Garage Sale" Original vintage posters, prints and last copies of posters taken out of the special collection accumulated at the Bauhaus Center during its 23 years :) As well as a selection of all the original invitations from Bauhaus center exhibitions throughout the years!You are welcome to visit and get yourself a one of a kind and special poster. Also, a special offer for these times! All the prints and posters in the store: Second poster at 10% discount! Third Poster 20% off!The exhibition will be shown until further notice for now.
Free entry, See you there!
Updates on our tours! Sat, 19 Nov 2022 16:54:40 +0000

The Bauhaus Center is changing things up!
More and more visitors come and visit Israel and many of them the Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv.
For this reason we are adding a Classic Bauhaus Tour in English every Sunday in addition the one we have already offer every Friday! The Sunday tour will also start at 10am and there is a need to register and buy tickets. Participants are requested to come at 9:45am.
Our self guided tours (in Chinese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Russian and Spanish) are available from 10am, every 30 minutes.

The Bauhaus Center is changing things up!
More and more visitors come and visit Israel and many of them the Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv.
For this reason we are adding a Classic Bauhaus Tour in English every Sunday in addition the one we have already offer every Friday! The Sunday tour will also start at 10am and there is a need to register and buy tickets. Participants are requested to come at 9:45am.
Our self guided tours (in Chinese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Russian and Spanish) are available from 10am, every 30 minutes.
‘In Tel Aviv people live life at 100 per cent’ Thu, 29 Sep 2022 15:00:58 +0000

The white Bauhaus city is in the Financial Times !French architect and Designer Charles Zana shares his favorites haunts in the city of Bauhaus.Here is a peek at a part of the article: Tel Aviv is known as the White City because of its Bauhaus-inspired white concrete and steel buildings. Many of the great Bauhaus architects, including Arieh Sharon and Shlomo Bernstein, fled the Nazis in the ’30s and landed here; the Bauhaus quarter – where many of these buildings are concentrated – was named a Unesco World Heritage Site in 2003 and it’s one of the largest collections of this architectural style anywhere in the world. The best place to find books and gifts on the subject is at the shop in The Bauhaus Center.For the full article click the link here.]]>

The white Bauhaus city is in the Financial Times !French architect and Designer Charles Zana shares his favorites haunts in the city of Bauhaus.Here is a peek at a part of the article: Tel Aviv is known as the White City because of its Bauhaus-inspired white concrete and steel buildings. Many of the great Bauhaus architects, including Arieh Sharon and Shlomo Bernstein, fled the Nazis in the ’30s and landed here; the Bauhaus quarter – where many of these buildings are concentrated – was named a Unesco World Heritage Site in 2003 and it’s one of the largest collections of this architectural style anywhere in the world. The best place to find books and gifts on the subject is at the shop in The Bauhaus Center.For the full article click the link here.]]>