Lecture | Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv https://bauhaus-center.com Tours, Shop, Exhibitions, Information Tue, 19 Dec 2023 17:57:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.7 https://bauhaus-center.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/cropped-Bauhaus-Center-Tel-Aviv-Israel-1-32x32.gifLecture | Bauhaus Center Tel Avivhttps://bauhaus-center.com 32 32 Drawing Course with Victor Melamed | Every Wednesdayhttps://bauhaus-center.com/drawing-course-with-victor-melamed-every-wednesday/ Tue, 19 Dec 2023 17:57:13 +0000 https://bauhaus-center.com/?p=5776

Drawing Course with Victor Melamed !
Victor Melamed is not only a renowned self-taught illustrator who has worked for New Yorker Rolling Stone and around 20 other magazines but also an experienced teacher.Melamed has run an illustration course for 12 years at the British Higher School of Design. He is an author of the book ‘The Machinery of Portrait.’ Victor believes that drawing can be viewed from various perspectives: as mere craft a means of visual thinking a sport a game a therapy a performance a party trick a mystical practice.He is confident that everyone can find their unique approach. This course will undoubtedly transform your drawing process and reveal new directions and possibilities regardless of your experience.When: Every Wednesday 18:00-21:00Cost: 200 NIS for a three-hour workshop.It is possible to pay separately for each lesson or to pay for several lessons at once.Where: Dizengoff 77 Tel AvivLanguage: EnglishFor information and registration please email: events@bauhaus-center.com

Drawing Course with Victor Melamed !
Victor Melamed is not only a renowned self-taught illustrator who has worked for New Yorker Rolling Stone and around 20 other magazines but also an experienced teacher.Melamed has run an illustration course for 12 years at the British Higher School of Design. He is an author of the book ‘The Machinery of Portrait.’ Victor believes that drawing can be viewed from various perspectives: as mere craft a means of visual thinking a sport a game a therapy a performance a party trick a mystical practice.He is confident that everyone can find their unique approach. This course will undoubtedly transform your drawing process and reveal new directions and possibilities regardless of your experience.When: Every Wednesday 18:00-21:00Cost: 200 NIS for a three-hour workshop.It is possible to pay separately for each lesson or to pay for several lessons at once.Where: Dizengoff 77 Tel AvivLanguage: EnglishFor information and registration please email: events@bauhaus-center.com
“The Jewish aspect in the world of comics and storytelling”.https://bauhaus-center.com/the-jewish-aspect-in-the-world-of-comics-and-storytelling/ Thu, 03 Aug 2023 08:51:48 +0000 https://bauhaus-center.com/?p=5694

Artist Architect and Art Essayist Evgeny Zhilinsky will give a lecture on the topic:"Paper Cinema from Joe Shuster to Joann Sfar. Jewish Aspect in World Comics Art and Storytelling"."Sequential art" or "ninth muse" discovers and reflects the migrant identity using visual and verbal tools.The most famous and influential genre in Modern Pop culture armed with it's Jewish Background turns "yellow" entertaining reading into demand philosophy._________________________________________________________________________3 августа художник и архитектор Евгений Жилинский прочитает лекцию на тему: «Бумажное кино от Джо Шустера до Жоанна Сфара. Еврейский аспект в мировом искусстве комиксов и сторителлинге». «Последовательное искусство» или «девятая муза» обнаруживает в себе и выражает идентичность мигрантов с помощью визуальных и вербальных средств. Самый известный и влиятельный жанр современной поп-культуры вооруженный своим еврейским происхождением превращает «желтое» развлекательное чтиво в современную востребованную философию.Когда: 3 августа 18:00Где: Дизенгоф 77Стоимость: 80 NISЯзык: русский]]>

Artist Architect and Art Essayist Evgeny Zhilinsky will give a lecture on the topic:"Paper Cinema from Joe Shuster to Joann Sfar. Jewish Aspect in World Comics Art and Storytelling"."Sequential art" or "ninth muse" discovers and reflects the migrant identity using visual and verbal tools.The most famous and influential genre in Modern Pop culture armed with it's Jewish Background turns "yellow" entertaining reading into demand philosophy._________________________________________________________________________3 августа художник и архитектор Евгений Жилинский прочитает лекцию на тему: «Бумажное кино от Джо Шустера до Жоанна Сфара. Еврейский аспект в мировом искусстве комиксов и сторителлинге». «Последовательное искусство» или «девятая муза» обнаруживает в себе и выражает идентичность мигрантов с помощью визуальных и вербальных средств. Самый известный и влиятельный жанр современной поп-культуры вооруженный своим еврейским происхождением превращает «желтое» развлекательное чтиво в современную востребованную философию.Когда: 3 августа 18:00Где: Дизенгоф 77Стоимость: 80 NISЯзык: русский]]>