New Exhibition Coming Soon | Shimon Edenburg ¨Via Fractalis¨
- Categories 2025, Architecture, Photography, Tel Aviv, תל אביב
Shimon Edenburg
Born in Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 1944 He is an urban planner, architect, writer, sculptor and urban sociologist.
He has lived alternately in Argentina, Israel and Spain. He currently resides in Barcelona. He writes various articles on citizen participation in the urban process, maximization of contacts in the city, limito-arte between 1990 and 2000.
He builds the sculpture on the banks of the Guadalquivir river (Córdoba) during the Abrahamic congress in 1987. He exhibits in Malaga and Marbella, at Galería Con-temporánea, in 1992. She receives important prizes at the Bienal de Marbella 92 and a second prize for sculpture at the Bienal de Bacardi 1992.
He exhibits at the Crocodile Gallery in Warsaw. Other sculptures of his can also be seen in Warsaw (Poland) and Ramat Hasharon.
Photography Exhibition curated by
Professor Giuseppe Scaglione architect
Opening Night – VERNISSAGE
Wed 9th APRIL 2025 at 19.00h
9 APRIL – 9 MAY 2025