FUNKIS – Finnish Functionalism in Architecture from the 1930’s to the 2000’s
- Categories 2017, Architecture
The exhibition is part of the “Finland 100” program and reviews the development of buildings known as “FUNKIS” – from the period of functionalism, which was the international style of the 1930s. The exhibition is based on the masters thesis of Architect Gabriella Nussbaum submitted to the Technion’s Faculty of Architecture: “Implementing International Styles in Modern Finnish Architecture”. The work was written in the late 1970s under the guidance of Professor Gilbert Herbert. Since then, the buildings have been monitored and the exhibition describes three phases: the construction in the 1930s, the exploring phase in the 1970s and the buildings in the 2000s.
The exhibition is being held in collaboration with the Finnish Embassy in Israel, the Israel Friendship Association Finland, the Association of United Architects in Israel and the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Technion, Haifa.
Architectural Curator: Gabi Nussbaum